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Rich&Rude Lifestyle Group

Rich&Rude Lifestyle Group is a new breed of talented people who choose to rise against the machine. The motto is: make a way out of no way. We are no longer waiting to be accepted or for others to think we have good ideas. For years there has been a separation between the groups of cool and uncool but enough with all that. The new generation of free thinking people who don’t care what you think will prove they are willing work for their place on this earth. Nobody can tell you what you have to offer is not as good as gold. We work hard to remain INDIviduals.

Rich&Rude Lifestyle Group is a lifestyle branding company that specializes in product placements, corporate sponsorship, and charity events. In 2010 we released our own California Lifestyle brand named after the company itself. Rich&Rude Lifestyle Products include t-shirts, hats, hoodies, jacket’s & the “Suck My Deck” Skateboard Series.

Our company has spent the last year building many great concepts that will place into the world in no particular order. We have decided take the road less traveled in order to avoid the traffic jams that are created mostly by haters that don’t want to accept creative people are now taking over the world.


To be truly Rich&Rude you must understand it is just that: “A LIFESTYLE”



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