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Brand Profile: Assault

Assault is a relatively new clothing brand, having been around for just shy of two years. It was founded by Tim Toomey and Craig Kaplowitz in February of 2008, and has since then expanded into being a content provider as well as an apparel company. On their blog, Assault covers music/design/apparel updates and are constantly posting interviews and reviews of new music/bands that they find interesting.

Assault was started out of Tim’s apartment in Chicago, and the shirts are stored in Craig’s spare room at his house. What separates the brand from many others is that almost all of their shirts have some sort of social or political message behind them (women’s rights, equal rights for gays/lesbians, etc.).

Most importantly to us, we wanted the messages behind our shirts to be subtle, and not too, “in your face” as some political based messages have a tendency to be. After all, no one listens to the guy on the street corner with the megaphone pushing his views onto everyone else. Our target demographic is primarily social/politically aware or active young people between the ages of 15 and 35–both male and female, and we’ve found that that primarily revolves around people who also have a passion for music which is why our blog focuses on music and musicians.


For more information on Assault, check out their website and full range of apparel at:

Here are some samples of their collection:

Assault apparel

Assault apparel

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