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Brand Profile: Automatik Clothing

“Begun many moons ago as a simple desire to start a clothing company, Automatik has finally become a reality. Automatik Clothing is currently in its infancy, and there is MUCH more to come. The clothing here has been created to be unique, and be much more than random artwork or words on a shirt. The Automatik universe will eventually expand beyond t-shirts, thermals and hoodies to include lounge wear, workout gear, jeans, pants, shorts, hats and more.

The Automatik lifestyle represents a world free from tucked in shirts, TPS cover sheets, middle managers, and 9 hour days stuck at a desk. An Automatik world is one filled with leisure, music, comfort, limitless travel, and entertainment. With Automatik, you can stand out in a crowd without needing to shout, anywhere on the planet.

Fit and comfort are extremely important aspects to Automatik Clothing. Automatik only uses the softest, highest quality and most comfortable material. Sign up for the Automatik Newsletter to learn when new designs or colorways will be released, to know about special deals, or to make sure you have an opportunity to own limited edition Automatik gear.”

-Automatik Clothing

Automatik’s apparel has been gaining popularity through online sales, and from reactions of other people who see their designs. All clothing is high quality from American Apparel, and the current collection includes men’s tees, thermals and hoodies, women’s v-neck and crew neck tees.

If you have any questions, suggestions, advice, recommendations, ideas, or pictures you want to send to Automatik Clothing, contact them at: [email protected]

Here are some samples of Automatik Clothing:

Automatik apparel Automatik apparel
Automatik apparel Automatik apparel

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