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Brand Profile: Driftwood Clothing

Driftwood Clothing banner

Driftwood Clothing is operated by Chad Coburn out of Dayton Ohio. Started Oct. 31st (Halloween day) ’08, the brand is deeply impacted by the musical community. Their style is connected to the musician’s heart, and they try to capture musical harmony and channel it through Driftwood’s designs, attitude, marketing – all of it.

“Music is what we’re founded upon, and while we can’t sponsor every band that comes to us, because we’d have some 100+ bands already, we always try to help them out. We recently setup a deal, where we discount band members 35% off all merch they buy (and at our $10 a shirt price, that’s a lot), and if those bands take some live / promo pictures of them rockin’ the merch, we add them to our roster to show off and help promote them. It’s the least we can do for musicians.”

Driftwood’s founder Chad takes pride in the fact that his company is run by the money from his own pocket – everything from the website to the printed shirts, to the stickers and buttons. He sells shirts at ridiculously low prices, and even uses personal paychecks from his regular job to run his company on the side.

To get more information, visit their website at: Feel free to also check out their myspace and online webstore.

Driftwood Clothing tee

Driftwood Clothing tee

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